- Photohole-induced strong σ-π scattering driven by out-of-plane phonons in graphene , Phys. Rev. B 110,155426 (2024), Bo Hellsing and Thomas Frederiksen
- Phonon-induced linewidths of graphene electronic states , Phys. Rev. B 98, 205428 (2018), Bo Hellsing, Thomas Frederiksen, Federico Mazzola, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Justin W. Wells
- Strong electron-phonon coupling in the sigma band of graphene , Phys. Rev. B 95, 075430 (2017), Federico Mazzola, Thomas Frederiksen, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Philip Hofmann, Bo Hellsing, Justin W. Wells
- Strong electron-phonon coupling in the sigma band of graphene , arXiv:1607.00939, Federico Mazzola, Thomas Frederiksen, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Philip Hofmann, Bo Hellsing, Justin W. Wells
- Model study of the electron-phonon coupling in graphene; relative importance of intraband and interband scattering, Chem. Phys. Lett. 660, 233 (2016), H. Toren, L. Samuelsson and B. Hellsing
- Photoemission footprints of extrinsic plasmarons, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205421 (2015), B. Hellsing and V.M. Silkin
- Plasmaron excitations in p(2×2)-K/Graphite, Phys. Rev. B 89, 205429 (2014), V. Chis, V.M. Silkin, B. Hellsing
- Orbital Selectivity in Hund’s metals: The Iron Chalcogenides, Phys. Rev. B 87, 045122 (2013), N. Lanatà, H. U. R. Strand, G. Giovannetti, B. Hellsing, L. de’ Medici, M. Capone
- Time-dependent mean field theory for dynamics in quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B,86, 115310 (2012), N. Lanata, H.U.R. Strand
- Distributional exact diagonalization for quantum impurity models, Phys. Rev. B86, 115111 (2012), M. Granath and H.U.R. Strand
- Oxygen vibrations and acoustic surface plasmon on Be(0001), Phys. Rev. B, 86, 085453 (2012), M. Jahn, M. Müller, M. Endlich, N. Néel, J. Kröger, V. Chis, B. Hellsing.
- Efficient implementation of the Gutzwiller variational method , Phys. Rev. B, 85 035133 (2012), N. Lanata, H. Strand, X. Dai, B. Hellsing.
- The Dynamical Mean Field Theory phase space extension and critical properties of the finite temperature Mott transition , Phys. Rev. B, 83, 205136 (2011), H. Strand, A. Sabashvili, M. Granath, B. Hellsing, S. Östlund.
- Photoelectron driven acoustic surface plasmon, Phys. Rev. B, Brief Report 81, 113406 (2010)V.M. Silkin, B. Hellsing L. Wallden, P.M. Echenique, E.V. Chulkov
- Theory of Surface Phonons at Metal Surfaces: Recent Advances, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 0844020 (2010), G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi, V. Chis, E. Chulkov, P.M. Echeniques, B. Hellsing and J.P. Toennies
- A detailed derivation of Gaussian orbital-based matrix elements in electron structure calculations, Eur. J. Phys. 31, 37 (2010), T. Petersson, B. Hellsing
- Large surface charge-density ocsillations induced by second-layer surface phonon resonances, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101,206102(2008), V. Chis, B. Hellsing, G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi, E. Chulkov and J.P. Toennies
- Model calculation of the electron-phonon coupling in Cs/Cu(111), _Phys. Rev. B_78(2008)035417, A. Nojima, K. Yamashita and B. Hellsing
- Sodium and potassium monolayers on Be(0001) investigated by photoemission and electron structure calculation,Phys Rev B, 78(2008)085102, J. Algdal, T. Balasubramanian, V. Chis, B. Hellsing, S.-Å.Lindgren and L. Wallden
- Model Eliashberg function for surface states Applied Surface Science, 254(2008)7938, A. Nojima, K. Yamashita and B. Hellsing
- Calculational aspects of electron-phonon coupling at surfaces J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 20(2008)224018, A. Nojima, K. Yamashita and B. Hellsing
- Two dimensional localization of fast electrons in p(2x2)-Cs/Cu(111) , Phys. Rev. B 76(2007)1, V. Chis, S. Caravati, G. Butti, M.I. Trioni, P. Cabrera-Sanfelix, A. Arnau and B. Hellsing
- Overlayer resonance and quantum well state of Cs/Cu(111) studied with angel-resolved photoemission, LEED and first principles calculations Physical Review B 75(2007)155403, M. Breitholtz, V. Chis, B. Hellsing, S.-Å. Lindgren and L. Wallden
- Evidence of longitudinal resonance and optical sub-surface phonons in Al(100),J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19(2007) 305011, V. Chis, B. Hellsing, G. Benedek, M. Bernasconi and J.P. Toennies
- Quantum size effects of CO reactivity on metallic quantum dots Surface Science 600(2006)6 V. Lindberg, T. Petersson and B. Hellsing
- Electron-phonon coupling and lifetimes of excited surface states ,Surface Science 593(2005)12, B. Hellsing, A. Eiguren, E. V. Chulkov and P. M. Echenique
- Metallic quantum dots,J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 17(2005)S1075, V. Lindberg and B. Hellsing
- Surface relaxation influenced by surface states Phys. Rev. Lett. 93(2004)226103, V. Chis and B. Hellsing
- The formation of defect complexes in a ZnO grain boundary Interface Sci. 12(2004)227, H. Domingos, J. Carlsson, P. Bristow and B. Hellsing.
- Model study of adsorbed metallic quantum dots: Na on Cu(111) Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Sciece & Technology, Jan 13, vol 7 (2003) T. Torsti, V. Lindberg, M. J. Puska and B. Hellsing
- An interfacial complex in ZnO and its influence on charge transport Phys. Rev. Lett. 91(2003)165506, J.M. Carlsson, H.S. Dominigos, P.D. Bristow and B. Hellsing.
- Hole dynamics in a quantum-well state at Na/Cu(111) Phys. Rev. B 68(2003)195422, E. V. Chulkov, J. Kliewer, R. Berndt, V. M. Silkin, B. Hellsing, S. Crampin and P. M. Echenique
- Phonon mediated image state electron decay at metal surfaces J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 129⁄2-3(2003)111, A. Eiguren, B. Hellsing, E. V. Chulkov and P. M. Echenique
- Applications of quantum mechanics and many-body theory to resolve electron dynamics conference proceedings: Foundations of Probability and Physics-2 (2003) p. 263 B. Hellsing
- Phonon-mediated decay of metal surface states Phys. Rev. B 67(2003)235423, A. Eiguren, B. Hellsing, Chulkov and P. M. Echenique, E. V. Chulkov
- Lifetime of holes and electrons at metal surfaces; electron-phonon coupling J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 129⁄2-3(2003)97, B. Hellsing, A. Eiguren, F. Reinert, G. Nicolay, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, S. Hufner and P. M. Echenique, E. V. Chulkov
- Effect of doping a grain boundary in ZnO with various concentrations of Bi Surface Science 532(2003)351, J.M. Carlsson, B. Hellsing, H.S. Dominigos and P.D. Bristow.
- Charge transfer and re-bonding effects at doped alpha and delta-phases of Bi2O3 Comp. Mater. Sci. (in press) H.S. Domingos, P.D. Bristowe, J. Carlsson and B.Hellsing.
- Model study of adsorbed metallic quantum dots: Na on Cu(111 Phys. Rev. B 66(2002)235420 T. Torsti, V. Lindberg, M.J. Puska and B. Hellsing.
- Charge accumulation and barrier formation at grain boundaries in ZnO decorated with Bi J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 14(2002)12717 H.S. Domingos, J.M. Carlsson, P.D. Bristowe and B. Hellsing
- Role of bulk and surface phonons in the decay of metal surface states Phys. Rev. Lett. 88(2002)066805-1 A. Eiguren, B. Hellsing, F. Reinert, G. Nicolay, E. V. Chulkov, V. M. Silkin, S. Hufner and P. M. Echenique.
- Electron-Phonon coupling at Metal Surfaces J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 14(2002)5959 B. Hellsing, A. Eiguren, E.V. Chulkov.
- Model study of Quantum Dots Surface Science 506(2002)297 V. Lindberg and B. Hellsing
- Theoretical investigation of pure and Zn-doped alpha- and delta-phases of Bi2O3 Phys Rev B 65(2002)205122 J.M. Carlsson, B. Hellsing, H.S. Dominigos and P.D. Bristow.
- The Electronic Properties of a Grain Boundary in Sb-Doped ZnO J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 13(2001)9937 J.M. Carlsson, B. Hellsing, H.S. Dominigos and P.D. Bristow.
- Segregation Effects at a High-Angle Twist Boundary in ZnO Interface Sci. 9(2001)231 H. Domingos, P. Bristow, J. Carlsson and B. Hellsing.
- Electronic Structure of a Bi-Doped Sigma-13 Tilt Grain Boundary in ZnO Interface Sci. 9(2001)143 J. Carlsson, H. Domingos, B. Hellsing and P. Bristow.
- Quantum Dots A Simple Free Electron Model Reports from Väöiversity 7(2001) Lindberg, B. Hellsing.
- First-principles invetsigation of the quantum-well system Na on Cu(111) Phys. Rev. B, 61(2000)13973 J. Carlsson and B. Hellsing.
- Phonon-induced decay of a quantum-well hole: One monolayer of Na on Cu(111) Phys. Rev. B, 61(2000)2343 B. Hellsing, J. Carlsson, L. Wallden and S.Å Lindgren.
- Electron structure and kinetics of K on graphite J. Chem. Phys., 112(2000)4788 L. Lou, L. Öterlund and B. Hellsing.
- Potassium on graphite Electron structure and Photodesorption Proc. of the VIII Inter. Workshop on Ion Beam Surface Diagn 1 (1998) 79 B. Hellsing.
- High- Resolution Photoemission from Tunable Quantum Well: Cu(111)/Na. Phys. Rev. B, 56(1997)1593 A. Carlsson, B. Hellsing, S.-Å Lindgren and L. Walldé
- Photoinduced desorption of potassium atoms from a two-dimensional overlayer on graphite. J. Chem. Phys., 106(1997)982 B. Hellsing, D.V. Chakarov, L. Öterlund, V.P. Zhdanov and B. Kasemo.
- Photon induced desorption and intercalation of potassium atoms deposited on Graphite(0001) Appl. Surface Sci. 106(1996)186 D.V. Chakarov, L. Öterlund, B. Hellsing and B. Kasemo.
- Photoinduced desorption of potassium atoms on graphite Surface Sci. 363(1996)247 B. Hellsing, D.V. Chakarov, L. Öterlund, V.P. Zhdanov and B. Kasemo.
- Substrate-mediated mechanism for photoinduced chemical reactions on metal surfaces J. Photochem. Photobiol. 79(1994)221 B. Hellsing and V.P. Zhdanov.
- Molecular chemisorption of oxygen on Cu(100), Ni(100) and Pt(111). Solid State Commun. 90(1994)223 B. Hellsing and S. Gao.
- Photoinduced desorption of metal adsorbates: potassium on graphite. Surface Sci. Lett. 311(1994)L724 D.V. Chakarov, L. Öterlund, B. Hellsing, V.P. Zhdanov and B. Kasemo.
- Photoinduced substrate mediated dissociation of O2 on Pd(111); evaluation of the survival probability. Chem. Phys. Lett. 226(1994)331 B. Hellsing and V.P. Zhdanov.
- Theoretical study of O2 on copper and nickel clusters. Surface Sci. 320(1994)320 L. Lou, P. Nordlander and B. Hellsing.
- Direct mechanism for photoinduced desorption and dissociation of O2 on Pt(111). Surface Sci. 282 (1993) 216 B. Hellsing,
- Theory of photostimulated desorption and dissociation of molecular oxygen on metals. J. Electr. Spectr. Rel. Phen. 64⁄65 (1993) 563 B. Hellsing and V.P. Zhdanov.
- Effect of intra atomic coulomb repulsion on charge transfer in atom metal surface scattering. Surface Sci. 274 (1992) 411 B. Hellsing and V.P. Zhdanov.
- Hydroxyl desorption from platinum in the catalytic formation reaction and decomposition of water. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A9 (1991) 2322 _E. Fridell, B. Hellsing, B. Kasemo, S. LjungströA. Rosen, and T. Wahnströ
- Molecular oxygen on metals. Chem. Phys. Lett. 187 (1991) 137 B. Hellsing and S. Gao,.
- Kinetics of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction on platinum. J. Catal. 132 (1991) 210 B. Hellsing, B. Kasemo, and V.P. Zhdanov.
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